Fairbanks and Los Angeles County Office of Education Co-Present "Pondering RMTS Precision (Time Study Sample Size) Changes" Webinar
Chicago, Illinois, January 21, 2025
"Pondering RMTS Precision (Time Study Sample Size) Changes" Fairbanks and Los Angeles County Office of Education Webinar
State Medicaid Agencies and Local Education Agencies (LEAs) across the United States are preparing to implement new guidance issued in 2023 by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), “Delivering Services in School-Based Settings: A Comprehensive Guide to Medicaid Services and Administrative Claiming”.
The May 2023 CMS Guide allows states flexibility to use a reduced Random Moment Time Study (RMTS) sampling precision level of +/-5% for statistical validity which would impact the number of sampled moments, LEA claim reimbursement estimates/budgeting, and related administrative processes.
Fairbanks created a proprietary Medicaid Administrative Claiming (MAC) Simulator to model the impact of potential RMTS precision reduction and related policy changes. Projecting and visualizing how policy changes will impact program operations and quarterly LEA reimbursements can be challenging. The Fairbanks MAC Simulator provides stakeholders with critical data used to conduct cost/benefit analysis and evaluate policy decisions.
Fairbanks and the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) co-presented a "Pondering RMTS Precision (Time Study Sample Size) Changes" webinar in January 2025 on this new CMS policy flexibility. This presentation was previously offered during the National Alliance for Medicaid in Education (NAME) conference in October 2024 in Denver, Colorado.
Th webinar includes a live demonstration of the Fairbanks MAC Simulator to illustrate impacts of potential RMTS precision level/sample size changes and critical factors for stakeholders to understand when making decisions. It provides a refresher on these statistical validity and precision level concepts to help viewers understand the new CMS flexibility, learn about California’s evaluation process, and examine potential impacts.
The "Pondering RMTS Precision (Time Study Sample Size) Changes" NAME webinar is available online to demonstrate the Fairbanks MAC Simulator and provide a crucial perspective on the potential RMTS precision level reduction policy flexibility being discussed nationwide as states prepare to implement the 2023 CMS guide.